About Me

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The Hippy Farm, N.S.W, Australia
I've now been living on the Hippy Farm for just over 12months....Ive had my initiation, mice, mozzies, spiders, snakes (only seen one) and flood...I'm now an official country bumpkin and I love it!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

the pressure is on!!!

All is still amazing at the Hippy Farm, but gee we have been busy. Only four weeks to go until the big market & garage sale in our town, so im frantically trying to finish painting the farm shop, im about two thirds done, only one oopsie so far (well actually two) yes two broken windows while painting ....ooops! Never mind for now we have covered them with purple boards and it doesnt look too shabby lol

The old selling cart has had a revamp and is looking great. The warm autumn weather has been a bonus. So fingers crossed we finish on time!!!

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