About Me

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The Hippy Farm, N.S.W, Australia
I've now been living on the Hippy Farm for just over 12months....Ive had my initiation, mice, mozzies, spiders, snakes (only seen one) and flood...I'm now an official country bumpkin and I love it!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

what a week!

Thursday HOT over 40 degrees in the shade in a crazy rush to get the house finished and move in before Christmas....so what did i do? stood on a chair to reach something, the chair gave way and i fell flat on my back, winded myself and bruised my ribs.....STREUTH!! ....no sleep at all, too much pain...GREAT NOT!! 
Friday HOTTER!! 1pm snake found in the old house, so lucky the man was home, i only have to think of a snake and i dry wretch, so i wont be posting photos of the 6ft brownie....UGH!  1.05pm snake dead, 1.06 pm...decision made to EVACUATE the hippy farm and start moving furniture over to the mansion.  Pain and heat tolerance level is at zero. All i can do is watch the furniture being brought over to the mansion and make a pathetic effort to dust and tidy up..... my contribution today, well nil really.
Saturday HOT as sleep? impossible too hot and too sore
Sunday HOT again! dont really remember much else the days all seemed to merge lol
Cool change Monday what a relief!'Christmas day was wonderful spent with friends and pain starting to recede.......the new digs are fantastic all clean and dust free, after living in the old house, with things half packed, spiders and bugs its good to have some normality back...i feel like ive won the lotto.  Pics to come as soon as i find my camera. Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas