About Me

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The Hippy Farm, N.S.W, Australia
I've now been living on the Hippy Farm for just over 12months....Ive had my initiation, mice, mozzies, spiders, snakes (only seen one) and flood...I'm now an official country bumpkin and I love it!!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Today will be our 12th day in a row over 35degrees, this is insane! Super doopers for breakfast, lunch and dinner and copious amounts of water. We dont have an airconditioner in the new digs yet, just the electrical wiring hanging on the wall teasing the clappers out of me. Even though its been trying i have managed to get some things done, unpacked more of my sewing stash and was suprised to find over 30 doileys in random boxes. The doiley is an interesting item, they just seem to appear, similar to the coat hanger.....i dont really recall ever buying a coat hanger and as for the doileys they are just there. But a doiley is in a different league from a coat hanger. Words to describe a doiley would be: creative, retro, colorful, pretty. They take me back to the past when life was simple and easy. Mum always had doileys on the furniture, mine are in a box...doing nothing. So this year I wil use them. First on the doiley agenda the string bag.

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