About Me

My photo
The Hippy Farm, N.S.W, Australia
I've now been living on the Hippy Farm for just over 12months....Ive had my initiation, mice, mozzies, spiders, snakes (only seen one) and flood...I'm now an official country bumpkin and I love it!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

UGH!!! cold turkey

 My sewing corner in the dining room,,,before
 Im getting ready for my big move in two weeks, to free up more packing time, i decided to pack my sewing things away...Ouch!!!!
Well just the machines for now, i shifted everything onto the kitchen table lol
Yes Im leaving Vic and moving to my 'hippy mans' farm in N.s.w....Im so excited, but feeling withdrawals from sewing already!!!!


tea and cake said...

oh, poor you! I hope you will have sewing space where you're going to.
Good Luck,be happy!

BuTTeRfLy BaBy BluE said...

Yes I will...one room for the stash, one summer sewing room and a winter sewing room....lots of space for me there, 10 days to go and counting...and im very happy, good luck with your health too...Di