About Me

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The Hippy Farm, N.S.W, Australia
I've now been living on the Hippy Farm for just over 12months....Ive had my initiation, mice, mozzies, spiders, snakes (only seen one) and flood...I'm now an official country bumpkin and I love it!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

the bomb

like to read more holbrook yellow submarine is on facey.

yellow submarine

I stopped knitting my bomb when it reached 13 metres before it grew legs and walked to Holbrook itself. There is not one piece of fabric or wool in the stash left i used it all. Including tshirts, sheets, lace, bias binding etc etc. I took the baby to Holbrook today and had a look at the sub....its huge!!! 90metres in length, and will be bombed on the 12th of June during the wool and sheep festival. Cant wait to see how its done.
Will try and get some photos posted shortly, but this old pc is not happy, not compatable with much at all anymore lol
      it worked lol

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Yarn bombing

Alls good at the Hippy Farm, extremely busy but happy...the weather is cooling down...finally.. and today was perfect gardening weather..i realised that its been about 3 months since ive been in the garden, due to the hot humid days, moving in and of course...the back flip which is all good now. So today was bindi day....what purpose do these prickly things have i wonder? apart from sticking to my shoes, spreading rampant in the garden, and prickling the dogs paws. The chickens wont eat them and we dont use poison, so for four hours i wrestled with the horrible things, and for more punishment i'll be back into it tomorrow. What im working on at nights while watching tv is a contribution to the Holbrook Yarn bombing project (link below)....pictured are the strips already cut....ive also used bias binding, lace, string, seersucker, wool of course, tshirts, sheets not much of that was from my stash, but i did manage to get quite a bit from the op shop for a good price. Also pictured are my new friends...dirt devil and sticky mate, who help me along lol...by the time i put the knitting away every night, I'm up to the eyeballs in fluff!....must away, got lots to do have a great weekend everyone
